xV / xVM

What is the "Clock Monitor?

  It is a part of schematic, intended to prevent USB driver from stuck if the external part (DAC) is not powered or not connected.

xV/xVM have own dual frequency clock  oscillator, which provides the clock for XMOS:


During the normal operation, the system should be clocked from DAC's oscillator, which is external clock for xV/xVM. When it presents, detector switch XMOS' clock source from internal to external.

  Both, internal and external oscillators are dual frequency, to clock 44x and 48x sample rates. This is switched by the "SCALE" signal.

  We use 512*Fs oscillator's frequencies, i.e. - 22.5792/24.576 MHz.

XMOS based Isolated USB Interface.

xV  (previously known as "xVeloci"):

  * - 384 kHz is for output, input is limited to  192 kHz.

xVM  - multi-channel USB Interface:

  xVM provide complete solution for Home Cinema (up to 7.1) or multi-band stereo (4 bands in 2 channels) and other applications.

xVM adopt the most xV features with some difference:


xVM-10Ch  - 10-channel version:

xVM-10Ch is the same as xVM, but modified PCB and different firmware.

xVM-6Ch  - 5.1 Home Cinema/DVD-A/SACD version:

6Ch  version for Home Cinema, DVD-Audio and SACD playback.There are 2 versions of firmware:

Both versions also supports 6 channel DSD-64 and DSD-128 playback (just in DSD Native  Mode with ASIO)